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Insurance Specifications, Information on Reporting Claims, The Claim Process, Requesting Certificates and Review of insurance requirements for contracts and grants

1.  State of Vermont’s Insurance Specifications

          Insurance Specifications November 1, 2023 

 2.   How would I report a claim?

Claim forms are located in the “Forms” section of this website.  Use the Automobile Liability claim report form for auto claims and the General Liability Claim form for liability (non-auto) claims.  Fill out the claim forms and attach any backup documentation. Scan and email the forms to  You may also call in claims directly to risk management  at 802-522-2179 during regular business hours. Risk Management forwards claims to CorVel.

2.       What should I expect after submitting a claim?

A liability adjuster from CorVel will contact you to discuss the claim and request any additional information needed to assess the claim such as pictures of damages, police reports, medical reports, witness statements or appraisals.  If the claim is denied, a letter will be mailed explaining the reason for the denial and the appeal process.


3.       How would I request a certificate of insurance?

Send a request by e-mail to Breanna Reynolds with the following information: name of entity requesting the certificate (the certificate holder), reason for certificate, the street address, phone number or email and any specific contact information. The State of Vermont cannot name any party as additional insured.

                      Reviewing A Certificate of Insurance


4.       How would I request a review of an RFP, contract or grant to ensure insurance limits and coverage are adequate? How would I request a waiver of certain types of coverage?

Send a request by e-mail to Rebecca White  with a copy of the RFP, contract or grant, the insurance limits and coverage and your question. She will research your request and respond in a timely manner. Insurance for contracts must conform with requirements in Bulletin 3.5. Insurance for grants must conform with requirements in Bulletin 5.  Attachment C section 8 lists insurance requirements and minimum limits. It is preferable that Risk Management review insurance requirements prior to the RFP process, when the RFP is in draft format, not when a contract or grant has been awarded. This gives the bidders the opportunity to determine what insurance is necessary, obtain quotes for the coverage and price their bids accordingly. Contract amendments where the scope of services has not changed do not require a change in insurance minimums or coverage. Please do not send contract amendments to Risk Management for insurance review.

Workers’ compensation coverage is encouraged but not required for corporate officers and LLC members. An application for exclusions from provisions of the Workers Compensation Act must be requested from the Vermont Department of Labor using Form 29. Automobile liability is not applicable if there is no driving as part of the contract or grant. No request for a waiver from Risk Management is necessary.

The document entitled “ Introduction to Contractual Risk Transfer and Insurance Contract Requirements” is an overview prepared by the State’s insurance broker, Charlie Daniels from NFP Corporation.

              Introduction to Contractual Risk Transfer and Insurance Coverage Requirements

               Form 29 Application for exclusion from Provision of the Workers Comp Act rev 2-13